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'The Hunt' scrapped after outcry...
Trump Executive Order Would Call for Big Tech Regulation...
FBI to monitor Americans via Facebook...
Facebook loses facial recognition appeal, must face privacy class action...
Offers News Outlets Millions of Dollars a Year to License Content...
Study: Google News Mass Shootings Results 70% Liberal, 4% Conservative...
Appeals Court Unanimously Rules Cross on PA County’s Official Seal Does Not Violate Constitution...
'Unprecedented' power outage across UK, London goes dark after National Grid failure...
Guardian: Schoolchildren in China work overnight to produce Alexa devices...
AGAIN: North Korea fires two more missiles...
Hong Kong protesters march in defiance of police ban...
Federal judge in Virginia rules school board's trans bathroom ban was discriminatory...
Supreme Court to Decide if Christian Funeral Home Must Recognize Employee's Transgender Identity...
Booker: ‘Bigotry Was Written Into Our Founding Documents’
Huawei unveils phone system that could replace Android...
UK Drag Queen Teaches Children as Young as 3 How to Twerk at Library Story Hour...
© 2019 Christian Daily Reporter | Editor: Adam Ford