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Doorbell-camera firm Ring has partnered with 400 police forces, extending surveillance reach...
Mormon church leaders explicitly ban all lethal weapons from houses of worship...
Ex-Google engineer charged with stealing self-driving car trade secrets, taking to Uber...
Fox News continues cable domination...
Tucker brushes off controversy...
Jim Mattis WSJ Op-Ed: Duty, Democracy, and the Threat of Tribalism...
Swipes at Trump, warns of ‘storm clouds gathering’...
Footage from camera outside Epstein's cell deemed unusable...🧐🧐
Top Israeli officials alarmed by possible U.S.-Iran talks...
Roth: Barack and Michelle Obama's $15 million house of hypocrisy...
Village Church rebuts sex abuse liability, $1M claim...
Colorado couple uses baseball bat when bear, cub enter home...
Massive fire: 115-year-old Philadelphia church burns...
Biden: Racism in America is institutional, 'white man’s problem visited on people of color'...
Veterans Affairs Lifts Ban on Bibles at Facilities...
Catholic religious order secretly paid 2 Mississippi men $15,000 cash to keep quiet...
J&J liable for $572M in Oklahoma opioid epidemic trial — and shares rise!
'Much lower number than feared'...
Nervous Republicans focus energy on protecting Senate 'firewall'...
Joe Walsh says he lost his national radio show for launching Trump challenge...
Church, family in dispute over George Whitefield's remains...
Steve Jobs look-alike photo boots up new Apple conspiracy theories... 😮
© 2019 Christian Daily Reporter | Editor: Adam Ford